Kray Mohammadia with colt foal by Al Reeh Janoob 2004
AHS Stud Book Vol.XVIII
Chesnut Mare born 22 April 1990. 15 hands 3"(M41)(Bhr)
By Jellaby Alahmar Montasir (M23) out of Kray Manifa (M90). Bred by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Sulman Alkhalifa
Kray Mohammadia is a very special lady indeed, as well as being the dam of our Advanced Endurance horse Krayaan Jesra, her daughter Kray Asila returned to Bahrain to reinstate the lost Al Kray line. During the 1960's the precious Al Kray family flourished in Bahrain, however, by the late 1990's fate left them with few mares and these were elderly or produced mainly colts. The desert tradition is that the line continues only through the female. By a twist of fate the last fertile pure Al Kray mare was grazing in my fields here in Herefordshire. We set about producing a pure Bahraini Al Kray filly to gift back to the Royal Stud and our first two attempts produced colts! Finally to our joy Kray Asila arrived in 1999 and at the age of two years she returned to Bahrain. In 2005 Kray Asila produced a filly foal.
By Krayaan Dilmun out of Shuwaimeh Bint Warda. Bred by Mrs Jenny Lees and owned by Mrs Lees' son William May.
Kray Asila daughter of Kray Mohammadia and Krayaan Dilmun gifted back to Bahrain
Kray Mohammadia is also the dam of Hazzina Bint Kray, Hazzina has won on the race track and is now an Intermediate Endurance horse. Mohammadia has also been a prolific breeder giving us such colts as Krayaan Dahaab, Krayaan Ghazaal, Krayaan Jesra, and last year Subah Ibn Janoob. Her fillies are Kray Asila, Kray Nuhra, Najma Bint Kray, Jameela Bint Kray, Hazzina Bint Kray and Isis Bint Kray
Kray Mohammadia with Subah 2 days old 2004
Subah-Kray Mohammadia x Al Reeh Janoob aged 3 months 2004
Najmeh Bint Kray daughter of Kray Mohammadia and Sahara Rasheed born 2002
Hazzina Bint Kray daughter of Kray Mohammadia and Chatanz
'Ladies in Waiting'.Kray Mohammadia and best friend Shuwaimeh Bint Warda Spring 2004
Jellaby Alahmar Montasir, Sire of Kray Mohammadia and Shuwaimeh Bint Warda
Yearling daughter of Kray Asila and granddaughter of Kray Mohammedia photo taken on my visit to Bahrain Spring 2007
Jenny & Tony Lees, Mill Farm, Preston-on-Wye, Herefordshire, UK, HR2 9JU • Phone: 01981 500225
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