Our Horses
Stallion half brothers, Shuwaiman Al Bahrain and Al Reeh Janoob ride out side by side Spring 2007
We are a young stud, formed in 1996, but our foundation stock is from the oldest, purest bloodlines found in the world today. The Royal Stud of Bahrain was established in 1783 long before Lady Anne Blunt founded Crabbet Park and her ambition was to include horses from Bahrain in her breeding programme. This she did with the Jellabieh Feysul line and the Dahman Shawan (see articles page). Lady Anne Blunt was not as lucky as I was, she had to get her Bahraini blood via Abbas Pasha whilst mine comes directly from the source.
Jenny & Tony Lees, Mill Farm, Preston-on-Wye, Herefordshire, UK, HR2 9JU
Phone: 01981 500225