New Arrivals

"And Allah took the South Wind and created the Horse..."

Harry (Shuwaiman Al Saghir) and George (Shuwaiman Al Kebir) the Bahraini Twins

In 2007 we had more foals than we had planned for! We covered 7 mares for the 2007 season but we actually ended up with 8 foals! The story of the surprising arrival of the "Shuwaiman twins" can be read on this website on the News page.

Harry (Shuwaiman Al Saghir) and George (Shuwaiman Al Kebir) the Bahraini Twins

This summer the stud had three pure Bahraini colts born. The chestnut twins "Shuwaiman Al Kebir and Shuwaiman Al Saghir" and a bay Hamdaany colt "Hamdaany Al Khalifa".

Hamdaany Al Khalifa

The plan is to raise the twins to become the only "twin" Endurance stallions in the world......Inshallah....God willing. Although Harry (Shuwaiman Al Saghir) was very much smaller than his older (by three minutes) brother George (Shuwaiman Al Kebir) I am sure he is rapidly catching up as can be seen from the photo at the top of the page! Harry on left George on right.

Harry (Shuwaiman Al Saghir) then and now

I think Harry may alway be a bit shorter but he's tough! With the generous sponsorship of Equilac Milk from Dodson and Horrell plus Dodson and Horrell Creep Pellets and Foal Mix Harry is an incredibly strong lad nowadays.

Harry (Shuwaiman Al Saghir)

Harry (Shuwaiman Al Saghir)

Jenny & Tony Lees, Mill Farm, Preston-on-Wye, Herefordshire, UK, HR2 9JU

Phone: 01981 500225